selected work type project year
Shell Machine video Floriade 2022
Aquarium video loop Balenciaga 2021
Gameplay images * 2021
Crushed Nylon videos Alexander Wang 2021
Earthworm video Art Rotterdam 2021
Hard Crush videos Alexander Wang 2021
Afterworld teaser Balenciaga 2020
Sky Server generative animations Tivoli Vredenburg 2020
Tyrex video Balenciaga 2020
Strange Days cover image Know V.A 2019
Meta Room video loop Balenciaga 2019
Computer Brain video Unfair Amsterdam 2019
Generation Loss image scroll Banal Banal 2018
Preflight videos * 2018
The Gateway To Fashion film Schueller de Waal 2018
Stone Eye video Unfair Amsterdam 2017
Bump of Knowledge video The One Minutes 2017
Behind the Curtain four-channel Stroom Den Haag 2016
Fountain of Youth dual-channel Stroom Den Haag 2016
for inquiries contact
for updates follow @maxdewaard